A View of Medical Care
This interview with the chancellor of the University of California San Francisco paints a picture of how science and medical care will explain disease and lead to cures and prevention. It is not a new view of health. This is the pathway followed by biomedical research and medical care for the past century with increased attention since World War II. Progress has been significant but slow and expensive. Meanwhile, the public believes success is imminent and places their faith in medical care. It is not so much a belief in science as a form of wishful thinking. When you suffer with a disease, any hope is comforting. The tragedy is the lack of attention to the highest technology in health. The human body and the control of the technology in the human body through lifestyle can prevent disease and reduce the severity of disease. This is available immediately with amazing results. In many ways the faith in medical care clouds the vision of health care in the form of primary prevention and public health resulting in less than optimal health status. Health care is for everyone, medical care is for those who need it.