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Fixin' Healthcare

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Lifestyle Chronicles - NGA Creating Healthy States

Creating Healthy States: Actions For Governors

Wellness Where We Live
  1. Educate the public about existing community resources to raise awareness of services and opportunities.
  2. Partner with community organizations to communicate health information and encourage healthy lifestyles.
  3. Promote civic and personal responsibility for better health.
  4. Improve access to healthy options in disadvantaged communities.
  5. Publicly share efforts by the governor's family to get and stay healthy.
Wellness Where We Work
  1. Implement a yearly health risk assessment for all state employees.
  2. Improve the "health" of state workplaces.
  3. Provide access to health coaching and other preventive services for state employees and retirees.
  4. Raise employer awareness of and employee participation in worksite wellness programs.
  5. Form coalitions and advisory groups across the public and priovate sectors.
Wellness Where We Learn
  1. Encourage parental engagement in student health.
  2. Conduct yearly assessments of individual student wellness.
  3. Promote regular physical activity during the school day.
  4. Support local school districts in efforts to develop healthy food policies.
  5. Use local chefs and farmers to offer attractive, healthier options to students.
This action outline was developed by the the Health Division of the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center). The NGA Center helps governors and their key policy advisors develop and implement innovative solutions to challenges facing states.

The next postings will present specific actions of states that address each of these items.

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